Friday, July 12, 2013

The Best Aftermath Crew EVER!

I haven't blogged lately so I thought I best give you an update on what I've been doing.
I've been writing as you know weekly for it's a great gig I get to talk about wrestling that I enjoy tremendously and I get to write something I love to do.
Recently I've written about the Aftermath Crowd of Arda, Renee & Jimmy!  They all had such a good dynamic together.  They really did, as sappy as it sounds, enhance my wrestling experience.  Faces have changed and only Jimmy remains.
I had the honor of interviewing Arda this pass week so I'm adding writings regarding all three hope you enjoy!
I have lots of writing on the site so check it!

An Interview With Arda Ocal From Aftermath TV
Date: Jul 12, 2013
Author: Michelle
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This is an exciting column for me! I’m sure all Aftermath TV & wrestling fans alike will enjoy it! The Baltimore Sun columnist, award winning TV personality Arda Ocal formerly of The Score Television Network (now Sp0rtsNet 360) has taken the time to answer a few questions for me. I personally like to call him the wrestling book of knowledge!

Not only has he created and hosted Aftermath TV he also co-hosted “Aftermath Radio” with former WWE Ref Jimmy Korderas, receiving awards for both shows. He has interviewed a lot of great wrestlers: Brett Hart, Chris Jericho, Trish Stratus, Sheamus, and Drew McIntyre, just to name a few! The one I enjoyed the most was a recent interview with Paul Heyman! A Heyman guy suits Arda to a T!

Arda had the honor of serving as Master of Ceremonies for the George Tragos-Lou Thesz Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Induction Banquet in 2012 and is returning this Saturday (July 13, 2013) to MC the Banquet again.

Here are some of the things we discussed:

Michelle: When did you start watching wrestling?

Arda: When I was young, we had family friends we would visit almost weekly, and the older brother was 10 years older than me. He loved pro wrestling and he loved heavy metal. I still love both. That’s where my love for wrestling started, watching it with him at an early age.

Michelle: What is your all time favorite wrestling match?

Arda: My favorite match is Bret Hart vs Owen Hart at WrestleMania 10.

Michelle: The Hart brothers, awesome pick! Bret’s Appreciation Night back in May was very moving. I couldn’t help but think of Owen, also. There may have been tears involved for me watching the Appreciation Night. Great men, great wrestlers! When did you decide watching wasn’t enough & that you needed to be heard?

Arda: I fell in love with broadcasting and always thought wrestling would be at best a hobby – I just didn’t know I could make some sort of career out of it. I volunteered and worked low paying jobs in broadcasting for 8 years and then started interning at the Score. One day the VP of Television at the time sent an email asking for show ideas and I filled out the form, explaining my idea of a WWE post game show. A month later, Right After Wrestling was born, which became Aftermath. It’s the highest rated in house produced program in the Score’s entire history, before the change to SportsNet360. I’m pretty proud of that.

Michelle: How did Aftermath TV evolve for you, the creator?

Arda: It was very different in the early days; it was like the Wild West. Then some rules were put into place but I felt the show didn’t lose its integrity. It was fueled by opinion but most of all it was the people on the show. Renee, Jimmy, myself, we worked very well together. Jimmy and I are best friends in real life; you can’t fake that kind of camaraderie.

Michelle: Since your departure from Aftermath in April do you have any regrets?

Arda: I don’t live my life looking at regrets. I was able to do something that’s never been done before in creating that show, I’m very proud of that. People still tweet me today wishing I was back and that’s flattering. My goal has always been WWE and I’m working towards that. The Score was a nice stepping stone and I’ll always look fondly on my experiences there. I do wish I had a chance to say goodbye to the viewers.

Michelle: I hear you are working for JBL & Michael Cole do you believe that will develop into more with WWE?

Arda: If it does, awesome. But I’m working with them because it’s a fantastic cause – 100% of proceeds go to help at risk youth. I love the charitable aspect of the project, which motivates me to help even more. JBL and Cole are wonderful to work with and they are driven, motivated guys, which is contagious.

Michelle: I have to say I love this! Working daily with at risk families I personally see what a great need there is for such help! Big thanks to all of you for caring and giving back! What would be your dream match to announce & commentate?

Arda: My dream match is any match at WrestleMania!

Michelle: I would definitely enjoy seeing you do that! If you could tell all your fans that sorely miss their eye candy and all the knowledge you brought to Aftermath, one thing what would it be?

Arda: Thanks for watching and caring. I tried to answer every single email that came in, the feedback was overwhelming. We created something awesome and the memories remain. Thank you all.

Michelle: And your critics who say “I’m glad he’s gone!” What is your response?

Arda: You got your wish. Haters are everywhere and I pay no mind to that kind of attention seeking behavior.

Michelle: Being “The Trivia King” of all things wrestling have you ever thought of opening a wrestling bar? Big screens, Raw, NXT, Smackdown, PPVs, wings, beer & where you host Saturday Night Mania . . . a weekly trivia contest? I think it would work, Arda!

Arda: People often tell me I’m some sort of “trivia king” but I don’t see it that way, there are lots of people that likely know way more than me – I’m just a passionate guy that enjoys WWE and pro wrestling. If an opportunity like that came up sure, I’d look into it. But I’m happy re-branding myself and working towards a goal at the moment.

Thanks for taking time to do the interview, Arda. I wish you greatness in all your future goals. I’m hoping to see your face back on TV soon!

Fans can look for Arda on Twitter @arda_ocal, on his Official Facebook Page, Arda Ocal on Google + and don’t forget to check out his blog at the Baltimore Sun.

Renee Young: The New Personality of WWE Active
Date: Jul 06, 2013 Author: Michelle 4 Comments

My first introduction to Renee Young, AKA Renee Paquette (real name), was a few years ago when I started watching wrestling. At the time, I would faithfully tune into Aftermath TV on The Score Television Network in Canada (Then the weekly faces were Arda Ocal, Jimmy Korderas, Mauro Ranallo & Renee Paquette). Aftermath quickly became part of my wrestling experience.  After Mauro left, both my husband and I would affectionately joke that Renee was the one who kept Jimmy Korderas and Arda Ocal on track; since then Aftermath TV has changed faces and Jimmy is the only one who remains.

Since being hired by WWE in October of 2012, you can almost see weekly that Renee has been more and more in the forefront on air time and interviews.

By all appearances, Renee Young has fit into being a WWE on-air personality, just like she was born to be there! It looks like she is loved by all!  I’ve seen an interview she did on the WWE App with the big guy himself , and Vince looked like he was totally smitten by her.

She is energetic, fun, and knows how to engage the crowd!  Being a fellow Canadian, it makes me proud to have her do so well, so soon within the WWE.

I think she is going places and, as a fan of Aftermath, I couldn’t be happier to see her doing so well at WWE.  I’m very glad to be able to see her weekly; I initially pouted about her leaving, and feared barely ever seeing her and hearing her wit. Thankfully, Vince really does know how to pick um, eh?  He knows a star when he sees one!

Congratulations, Renee, keep up the good work!

Book Review: “The Three Count” by Jimmy Korderas
Date: Jun 03, 2013
Author: Michelle
1 Comment

While sitting at my kitchen table reading “The Three Count: My Life in Stripes As WWE Referee” by Jimmy Korderas on a Saturday morning each of my children passed by asking “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Having a pen and paper in hand jotting down things that I didn’t want to forget I assume they were thinking I was doing a book report. Wouldn’t it be fun if wrestling books could be something you read for school book reports. Instead of “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding, 1954 we could read “The Three Count” by Jimmy Korderas, 2013. I’m thinking that would be a good time for a lot of students.

This book is a good time for any wrestling fan! Jimmy is a story teller with a conversational style which is very similar to the Jimmy Korderas I was first exposed to a few years ago on Aftermath TV (The Score Network, Canada). I don’t know JimmyBook Review: “The Three Count” by Jimmy Korderas

Date: Jun 03, 2013 Author: Michelle 1 Comment

While sitting at my kitchen table reading “The Three Count: My Life in Stripes As WWE Referee” by Jimmy Korderas on a Saturday morning each of my children passed by asking “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Having a pen and paper in hand jotting down things that I didn’t want to forget I assume they were thinking I was doing a book report. Wouldn’t it be fun if wrestling books could be something you read for school book reports. Instead of “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding, 1954 we could read “The Three Count” by Jimmy Korderas, 2013. I’m thinking that would be a good time for a lot of students.

This book is a good time for any wrestling fan! Jimmy is a story teller with a conversational style which is very similar to the Jimmy Korderas I was first exposed to a few years ago on Aftermath TV (The Score Network, Canada). I don’t know Jimmy personally but have had brief opportunities to wrestle talk to him on both Twitter and Facebook. I’m always delighted when he responds to a tweet and gives his wrestling insight. On a side note his writing style is very similar to my own (only better) so of course I’m going to love it! Being a relatively knew wrestling fan this book gave me inside scoops, details & theories I didn’t know about. It told of how Vince McMahon is really like with the wrestlers, of course the Montreal Screwjob was in there, and countless other stories that would draw any wrestling fan in. He seems to give a fair assessment of situations and is both objective and respectful in his perspective. He doesn’t tell it all but he tells enough. It keeps you interested and doesn’t spill so much that it ruins our stained glass windows as fans. If you are looking for “The Dirt” on the WWF/E or Vince or the business this isn’t the book to find it in. It isn’t a sensationalized account but one of respect which just goes to show what a good guy Jimmy is. I’m sure he could of gave details that we all would love to hear but he chose to use common knowledge and his accounts and theories.

Through out the book you can see Jimmy’s passion and love for the business. From the cardboard box rings with Gumby and GI Joe as wrestlers to Wrestle Mania XXIV. It’s an amazing journey of a boy from Toronto who begged his Mom to go with the neighbors to a Maple Leaf wrestling event to the man who became a WWE Referee. Living the wrestling fans dream. It’s a story about 20 years of life and how dreams can happen. To quote Jimmy’s response to being kicked in the head by The Undertaker during his match with Edge Wrestle Mania XXIV “It was the culmination of a lot of sweat, tears, and yes, even blood and broken bones.”

Chapter 11 The King of Harts: Owen was probably one of the most touching for me. It was very emotional and of course it brought me to tears! Losing a friend and witnessing it must be an extremely heart wrenching experience, however Jimmy found the words to pay tribute to a friend and smile at the memories of a great friend and wrestler.

So wrestling fans I say buy it, read it and share it! It’s out just in time for a good summer read!!! personally but have had brief opportunities to wrestle talk to him on both Twitter and Facebook. I’m always delighted when he responds to a tweet.
Book Review: “The Three Count” by Jimmy Korderas

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