Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How busy can one person be before they crack?

So I don't know if it's the weather, the winter blahs as we occasionally speak of, but I'm Ms. Negative the last week. Everything is horrible, my school work sucks can't wait for it to be done. When in reality I love learning but I feel like my course is just cutting into my already crazy life! I have a husband, 3 kids, 40 hr a week job, a home to look after and a full time online Human Service course from NBCC St. John. I know what you are thinking. I brought it on my self. I've made my bed and now I get to lie in it. That would be great if I ever got to lie in my bed. I never get me time. I haven't scrapbooked anything from 2008 yet. How very sad is that. The girl who used to have Christmas scrapbooks to show off at the New Years get together. Did I mention my laundry yet? It's now do as needed; out of socks, bras and thongs well better do some laundry. No pants to wear to work, oops better throw some in. I know June 19th will come and go and I will miss studying but right now I'm crying for a break. I don't know I would like to do something crazy like go play in the snow with the kids, go out to a movie, something, anything. My life revolves around this computer and my next assignment.....I know I should be thankful. Lots of people out there would love to be taking a course right now and can't for some reason. Most days I am thankful but for some reason this week, not so much. So I've added a photo of what my world is right now. And yes that is a Mickey Mouse Mouse Pad & a Hot Pink keyboard....
I must go get my socks, bra, thongs and pants out of the dryer and get dressed.... (I'm not joking)! Till next rant!

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