Friday, August 19, 2011

Ever need a second chance?

John 21:1-11
Later, by the sea of Tiberias, Jesus showed himself again to the disciples. This is what happened. Simon Peter, Thomas (called Didymus), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, Zebedee’s sons, and two other disciples of Jesus were together. Simon Peter said to the others, “I’m going fishing.” They told him, “We’re going with you.” They went out in a boat but didn’t catch a thing that night. As the sun was rising, Jesus stood on the shore. The disciples didn’t realize that it was Jesus. Jesus asked them, “Friends, haven’t you caught any fish?” they answered him, “No, we haven’t.” He told them, “Throw the net out on the right side of the boat, and you’ll catch some.” So they threw the net out and were unable to pull it in because so many fish were in it. The disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It’s the Lord.” When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put back on the clothes that had taken off and jumped into the sea. The other disciples came with the boat and dragged the net full of fish. They weren’t far from the shore, only about 100 yards. When they went ashore, they saw a fire with a fish lying on the coals, and they saw a loaf of bread. Jesus told them, “Bring some of the fish you’ve just caught.” Simon Peter got into the boat and pulled the net ashore Though the net was filled with 153 large fish, it was not torn.

This scripture is packed full of good stuff!!! Do you think maybe Jesus wanted to remind the disciples that they could still trust in Him. That he still had their back even when they messed up and didn’t have his. That when there is no fish to be caught that Jesus will come and fill your net! That would be a great episode of Deadliest Catch! Not stopping there did you notice he had a fish and a loaf of bread for breakfast…perhaps he was saying remember when I fed over 5000 with five loaves and two fish (Luke 9:10-17)?? Do you still believe I can meet your needs!?

Then there was Peter good old Peter! He was the emotional type was he not! He was easily riled up for sure! (I can kind of relate to him) However he like all of us failed occasionally. The most difficult journey is back to the place where you failed. Peter had failed the Lord denying him during his arrest. (Luke 22:54-62). He had failed at going back to fishing he fished all night and came up empty handed. Until the Lord stepped in and provided the catch. So when John tells Peter “hey, that’s the Lord on the shore.” Peter gets dressed (really Peter nobody needs to see you stripping while your are fishing! Just as bad as sleep pants in public is men who think they look good walking down the street half naked! GET SOME CLOTHES ON PLEASE) Anyway I’m getting a little off topic! So Peter realizes it’s Jesus on the shore and jumps into the water (after dressing himself, sometimes I just don’t get men) and swims to the shore and stands in front of his friend he betrayed. Have you ever had to stand in front of a friend you betrayed, perhaps the lover of your soul? Jesus had prepared a fire both friends aware of the last time Peter stood near a fire. Peter had failed God, but God had still come to him. For one of the few times in his life, Peter is silent. (Now this I can relate to, I like Peter am not the silent type. Also I like Peter have failed God a time or two. And I like Peter have had to stand in his presence silent in the awesome awareness of his unconditional love and forgiveness)

What words would do, right there, right then….Jesus, God standing before you, your friend who you betrayed offering you breakfast, providing for your needs. Once again Peter found grace and thankfully as we come to God we too can find grace! He has really never left us, we are the ones that get in the boat to try to get away, as Peter did, as Jonah did as countless believers do…but He is standing there saying, try again! This time with him, with his strength! You know there is too much of a stigma around admitting failure, everyone fails it takes the strong to say “ya, I’ve messed up and I need your help to get out!” So the next time you mess up and you will that’s what humans do try to remember not to run away from God but run to him for a second chance. From the beginning we have tried to hide from God when we’ve messed up! The first two (Adam and Eve Genesis 3) tried to hide when they messed up when they sinned against God and even though they hid he found them. We can not hide from God, we can’t hide our sin from God so it’s best for us to run to him. Ask for his forgiveness, love and grace to cover us! The Psalmist David tells us (Psalm 139:7-12) Where can I go to get away from your Spirit? Where can I run to get away from you?….No where! There is no where we can go that God can’t find us! So if you feel like you failed God and you need a second chance…just take it! He’s standing right beside you, hands open waiting to pass it to you!


  1. Michelle...a couple of points to add to this one...Ever wonder why 153 fish? I have seen and in fact have the notes around here somewhere that if you go through the gospels you will find 153 people that Christ healed...just a little fact that ties it together. If you continue on through to the end of the chapter in John you can see this idea of providing for one another carried through. What most people center on is the three times that the Lord Jesus Christ asks Peter if he loves him but contained also in there is three commands to Feed the flock (as in the KJV.) The Hebrew meaning of one of these is to actually feed as in provide for physical need of food. The other two times though the word feed is used as a sheperd feeding his flocks, as in watching over them, protecting them, caring for them. It is a great lesson for the leaders of a congreagation to "feed" their flock...not only provide for physical needs, but also to protect them, watch over them as a sheperd...intersting, in Acts Paul uses the same word when he tells the elders to feed their flock on his ever encompassing need to watch over the flock. Elders are given a greater responsibilty to help one another.

  2. Awesome thought Dave! I actually back in the day preached on the "do you love me" part of it! A lot of time believers forget the meeting needs part on both ends of it. They tend to believe a sermon Sunday morning and a Wednesday night bible study/prayer service is doing their "duty" for Christ. When Christ has such a bigger picture for us as believes to meet not just the physical needs but also the spiritual needs of those around us. Not that we have all the answers but what we should have is the love for people that God himself has. Compassion goes a long way in showing you love God and love people! I enjoyed the 153 ....interesting I don't know if I remember learning about that bit of info. Thanks for the lesson!
