Monday, August 22, 2011

What’s up with men…..

I have to admit that in my 42 years of living on this planet I haven’t spent a lot of time getting men!
You know I wasn’t kidding when I mentioned in my preachy blog the other day that sometimes I don’t get men. Because really sometimes I don’t!
I find they have a tendency to over think things.
Now originally I assumed that men were way worse at over thinking things than women. Then I looked it up and studies show that I was incorrect (it happens)….over thinking is prevalent in young and middle aged adults, with 73% of 25-35 year-olds identified as over thinkers.  More women (57%) than men (43%), over think.  I really, really thought it would be the other way around! Perhaps I’m over thinking that! Hee Hee!
So here is a couple of ideas to squash the over thinking….

Stop being afraid! Stop thinking of the worst of what could happen.  Ask yourself what’s the absolute worst that could possibly happen – and then be OK with that outcome.  The worst case scenario isn’t actually that bad most of the time! You probably dealt with worse and survived!!!

Think about the big picture.  Is what you are over thinking and fearing really as bad as you are making it out to be? Perhaps it’s an opportunity for growth.  Maybe this experience you fear can change you for the better! Why do men tend to think change is always for the worse! Perhaps you can become a better you if stop over thinking and just step out in faith believing something good could come of this.

I know this is coming from “the eternal optimist” which Brad calls me some times! But I believe in my heart the things we (men more then women in my experience) over think, worry and fret about can be the biggest blessings in our lives if we just allow over selves to embrace them.

Now it’s not just the over thinking I don’t get about guys…I really don’t get the walking down the street half naked thing either as mentioned in a previous blog. Why do you guys do that? We don’t want to see it! Honest. If it’s not ok for girls to go topless why is it ok for guys? Now before you attack me with the obvious I know girls have more to show but seriously guys YUCK!!! You know how some places will have a sign No Shirt No Shoes No Service…well how about that for walking down the road. I don’t show you mine so I don’t want to have to see yours THANKS ANYWAY!

That’s it for tonight I can’t think of anything else. I guess those are my 2 major beefs about guy thinking. They over think too much and they assume because they want to see everyone’s stuff we want to see theirs. No, no not so much! And for those men who don’t over think and don’t want to see everyone’s stuff or show off theirs God Bless ya!

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