Saturday, June 2, 2012

This that and the other thing.....

I appear to hit a weight loss plateau. Boo….I can’t seem to get past 19-21 pounds (it jumps back and forth daily)! I dropped like 14 pounds almost immediately after starting to eat better and exercise a bit. Now I feel like I’m stuck at this number. Plateaus are discouraging. I feel defeated when the scale seems to just stick! Sooo I guess I have to increase the intensity of my physical activity and decrease my calories. I had a sucky few weeks of it!!! Emotionally I’ve been down due to loss of a family member so that may of contributed to my plateau! Sometimes I was not eating right sometimes not exercising. My goal is to go down in weight this week and to totally stay on track! I might stop weighing and start measuring.
Before You Say “I do”….

So as you know I’m getting married in October. Our friend Joel is performing our wedding ceremony. So Joel has decided to get us to do this work book Before You Say “I Do” by H. Norman Wright & Wes Roberts which is pretty intense. We have accomplished the first chapter on What is Marriage! Oh that’s would be easy you say, no not really I have 8 pages of answers written to the questions they posed and Brad who is a smaller writer than I has a similar amount! Questions like List six ways that you could promote and maintain oneness in your marriage. How about What will you receive out of marriage that you won’t receive by remaining single? Or how about list three of the most important scripture verses upon which you would like to base your marriage relationship. Our next chapter (we haven’t started yet) is Uniqueness and Acceptance in Marriage. Your partner is not you. You know how that goes; differences first attract, then irritate, then frustrate, then illuminate and finally may unite us. So there is that little spot of irritation and frustration if we can get past it we will be successful! I’m sure it will be an interesting chapter. (There is only 13 chapters so I will let you know how we do)!

Brooklynn has decided to go into French Emersion next year grade 3. She is amazing at reading English so why not try French. She wasn’t sold on it when I first tried to encourage her to do so. Then I said you do realize in NB those who are bilingual get better jobs and get paid better. SOLD as soon as I told her that she was on board! French Emersion it is!

Jonathan goes to grade 6 Middle School this coming September. He had a transition day on Friday. I can’t believe it’s already time for him to move on from elementary. I watched him walk to the van Friday all geared up for Middle School and wondered where did the time go and I’m not going to lie my heart hurt a little that I was loosing number 2 to the big kid society (don’t know what I’ll do when number 3 gets there).

Josiah is heading to grade 10 second year of high school it’s seems insane that it’s possible and yet there he goes. He is loving Rugby this year and plans to play next year. He has hernia surgery in July. The doctor says that it was a birth defect and will continue to get larger if not attended to. So that will be 6 weeks of recovery over the summer. He thought originally that it was cool that he was doing it in the summer and not missing Rugby. Now that summer is just about upon us the summer surgery has lost it’s lustre and he is disappointed in the recovery time as he had hoped to get a job and make some cash this summer!

The whole loss thing sucks bad!!! It's not fair and was a needless loss and it makes me angry inside and broken hearted. He was brand new and only got to be on this earth 3 weeks. I know people tend to think this old world sucks but still it would of been really nice to share all the good times and all the bad times with him. The success and the failures. His untimely death has left a whole in my heart! Due to human error he left us way before he should of! Little Mr Carter Aaron Franklin Clark will never be forgotten he has left a huge impact on everyone close to him and his family.

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